How to customize a calendar in Squarespace

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To customize a calendar in Squarespace:

  1. Add a calendar block to your page and assign it to a collection (events, blog, products, etc).

  2. Click the pencil icon to open the block editor.

  3. Use custom CSS to change styles like borders, colors, font sizes and more.

  4. Some common CSS customizations include:

  • Change month/year text style:

.yui3-calendar-header-label { 
  color: purple;
  text-transform: uppercase;
  letter-spacing: .5rem; 

  • Fill today's date with a color { 
  background: #e5f5f6 !important; 

  • Create round event days: 

.yui3-squarespacecalendar .has-event { 
  border-radius: 50% !important;

  1. Use !important to override default styles. Separate multiple CSS properties with semicolons.

Squarespace calendar blocks can display events, blog posts, products and more in a calendar format. While the built-in options are limited, you can use custom CSS to significantly change the look and feel of your calendar.Some key things to keep in mind when customizing a Squarespace calendar:

  • Calendar blocks only display content from one collection page at a time

  • Event excerpts display on hover, while featured images are cropped to fit the calendar date boxes

  • Calendar blocks adjust responsively, with titles and times still visible even when the block width is very narrow

By adding a few lines of custom CSS, you can create a calendar that perfectly matches the branding and design of your Squarespace website. The CSS selectors target specific elements of the calendar, allowing you to change colors, fonts, borders and more.Some popular customizations include:

  • Changing the background color of the date boxes

  • Altering the font size and style of the month/year header

  • Applying a custom color to the event date tags

  • Ensuring consistent sizing of the event hover boxes

To get started, simply add a calendar block to your page, assign it to the desired collection, and then use the CSS snippets to customize the look. With a bit of trial and error, you can create a polished, professional-looking calendar that enhances your Squarespace site.

Ali Noor

Ali Noor is An Squarespace Expert & Website Strategist Focus on Business Growth By Funnel, Design & Marketing.


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